I wanted to share some family photo's of my parents, my parents and I, my brother and I, and of my daughter. Along with some of my interests you can't see in pictures. I am very close to my family and am very fortunate to always be able to count on unconditional love and support from them.

Erin's Interests:
She is a huge rock n' roll fan. She loves Elvis Presley. Erin has seen just about every rock n' roll/ heavy metal band live in concert
Favorite Sport: Auto Racing- NASCAR and Formula One
Favorite Racing Sports Duo/Dynasty: Richard Childress and Dale Earnhardt
Hobbies: Traveling, Visiting National Parks, museums and art galleries. Collecting art and writing Poetry
Favorite Quote: "Always remain a gypsy, keep moving with life and experience new places and things, live in the moment, never be dull." - Anonymous
Favorite Actor's: James Dean, Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Klaus Kinski, Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson, Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, Faye Dunaway and Jessica Lange
Hero: Erin's Great, Great Uncle Hugh R. Rood who had a first-class ticket on the Titanic. He went down with the ill-fated ship in order to save women and children first. He was 39 years old.